Don't pay someone a fortune to make you a webpage when you can do it yourself! A lot of webpage designer charge $50 or more per hour to make you a webpage. So the longer your webpage the more money it cost but that's not the catch. The thing the webpage designer don't tell you until it's too late is that they charge you a monthly service fee to update and maintain your webpage. That can add up over the years! So why not learn how to make your own webpage and update it yourself. let me show you how to get a website for free! You can learn how to make your own personal webpage in one tutorial session. No computer skill needed to start. Make your own webpage like the professionals. It is as easy as typing. OTC will supply you with all the information you need to make your page and one of our well-trained web designer will be by your side to help. There is no limit to what you can do. Beginners will start off with the basic then after a few sessions can become an expert. As an expert you can put animation, sounds, links, tables, etc... into your webpage. So, why pay someone to make you a webpage when you can learn how to make it and update it yourself. Below is an example of what you can do.